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Industry & Academic Research Review

ISSN 2719-146X (Print) 2719-1478 (Online)

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Selected Factors Affecting the Subsectors of the Philippine Agriculture: A Panel Regression Analysis

Patrick R. Diaz
Volume 3 July 2022
Presented in 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR), July 29 - 30, 2022


The study examined the effects of exports to GDP, employment, and production loans granted in the GDP agriculture of the Philippines. The study employed descriptive and quantitative techniques to analyze the behavior of GDP, production loans granted (PLG), exports to GDP (EGDP), and employment (EMP) from 2005 to 2015 totaling 33 observations of agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors. Specifically, panel data analysis was used to assess the effects of APLG, EMP, GDPt-1 and AEGDPt-1 in GDP. The fixed effect model corrected from autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, a one percentage unit increase in the exports to GDP, on the average, leads to Php 774.96 increase in the GDP, other things equal; and a one unit increase in employment, on the average, leads to PhP23.55 increase in the GDP, other things equal; a one peso increase in the production loans granted lagged by one period, on the average, leads to Php 0.4760 increase in the GDP, other things equal. Using the fixed effect model, all the explanatory variables such as, exports to GDP, employment and production loans granted lagged by one period exhibited significant effect on the GDP agriculture. Hence, the model is considered satisfactory from statistical perspective. The results from the fixed effect model were consistent with the priori expectations that exports to GDP, employment and production loans granted lagged by one period positively affect the GDP agriculture.

Keywords: agriculture, GDP, exports, production loans, employment

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