Vocational education is increasingly recognized for its role in creating gainful employment opportunities and stimulating economic growth. As such, this paper studied the higher learning institution preferences of the technical vocational students and their academic and skills readiness. Specifically, this study focused on the senior high school students enrolled in the technical and vocational livelihood track at Buruanga Vocational School and their regards on the growing importance of vocational education in job creation and national support. Utilizing a descriptive-correlational research design, this research examined the relationship between academic performance, skills preparedness, and higher learning institution preference 50 purposively selected completers as grounded on Vocational Identify Theory to understand how students perceived different career alternatives. Each student responded to self-report survey questionnaire that revealed academic preparedness and interest in various institutions. The results demonstrated a significant relationship between their readiness and preference for the institution. Additionally, the graduates indicated that their performance and literal understanding were lacking compared to their academic track. Hence, the outcomes confirmed that schools need to check their program levels and outreach and plan to offer higher-level services like the high school career guidance programs. The results provide hallmark-witted assortment preparations for strengthening undergraduates for high-level activities, thus preparing vocational schooling to attain a degree.
higher learning institution preference, vocational identity theory, technical vocational schools, academic performance, skills preparedness
Erwin P. Navarez. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education, Teacher III, Buruanga Vocational School, Buruanga, Aklan, Philippines. Email: erwinnavarez27@gmail.com
Mary Cherry Lynn D. Tabernilla. Doctor of Education, Education Program Supervisor, Schools Division Office – Aklan, Numancia, Aklan, Philippines.
“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was not supported by any funding.
This paper is presented in 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR)-2024
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Cite this article:
Navarez, E.P. & Tabernilla, M.D. (2024). Technical vocational students’ higher learning institution preference and level of academic and skills preparedness. Industry and Academic Research Review, 5(1), 251-273. https://doi.org/10.53378/iarr.924.133
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