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IJEMDS Cover Page
International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Dr. Raquel R. Sena

Editorial Board

Current institution:
Sacred Heart College of Lucena City, Inc., Philippines

Director, Institutional Research Development

Raquel Sena
Dr. Raquel holds a doctorate in Linguistics, with a specialization in Applied Linguistics. She has been teaching major subjects in English for more than 20 years in the undergraduate and graduate programs. These subjects include but are not limited to the following: Introduction to Linguistics, Structure of English, Literature, and Methods of Research. She is currently the Dean of Graduate Education at Sacred Heart College of Lucena City, Inc. Reviewing all the theses of all the students is one part of her function other than the supervision of both curricular and co-curricular activities of the department. Having been entrusted by the same institution to lead the entire institution in research, she was appointed as Institutional Research Director in 2015 until the present whose main function is to provide research training, sustain the research culture in the institution, screen research proposals, examine papers for presentation and publication outside the institution. She is also, at times, being invited as a paper reviewer of some research publications in the locale.

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