This study aims to determine the relationship between personal motivational factors and job-related factors as measure of employee satisfaction in the workplace. Through descriptive-correlational research design, a total of 100 teaching and non-teaching personnel of a state university were surveyed to determine their personal motivational factors and the job-related factors they consider to stay in their job. The result showed a positive relationship between various motivational factors such as health and wellness, rewards and recognition, peer support, work-life balance and work environment and the working environment factors including the workload and job description. In addition, the organization's role induces high level of motivation to the individual employees. It also shows that all of the motivation factors as well as the job-related factors truly motivate employees to work with satisfaction. The significant relationship exists on the input and output variables showed that health and wellness, rewards and recognition, fear, peer support, work life balance and work environment greatly help the respondents to understand better their roles performed in the organization.
self-motivation, job-related factors, job satisfaction, teaching and non-teaching personnel
Elaine M. Francisco. Corresponding author. Assistant Professor, Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus
Jherwin P. Hermosa. Instructor 1, Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus
Darwin D. Ofrin. Associate Professor 2, Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus
This paper was presented in the 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR) 2021
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Franciso, E.M., Hermosa, J.P. & Ofrin, D.D. (2022). Is self-motivation linked to job-related factors? A case study of teaching and non-teaching personnel. International Journal of Academe and Industry Research, 3(4), 213-230.
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