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Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Teaching Profession

Padauk Win
Volume 2 Issue 1, June 2022


The main aim of this study was to assess the attitude of secondary school teachers towards teaching profession. The study used descriptive method that involved collecting data to test the hypotheses and answer research questions. As study participants, all the basic education high schools in Sagaing city- developed area totalling 200 teachers were included. The attitude towards teaching profession was measured through the five dimensions: teaching, enjoyment in teaching, ideology, professional development and curriculum, and students. The study findings showed that the majority of secondary school teachers possess positive attitude towards teaching profession. Furthermore, the study showed that teachers with longer teaching experience have more positive attitude towards teaching profession. Similarly, the senior assistant teachers were found more positive compared to the junior assistant teachers. While the results provide fundamental data related to the commitment and motivation of the teachers, it has potential implication on the human resource management and talent management. As it was evident that teachers’ attitude towards teaching profession grow overtime, the results has long-term implication on the motivation, satisfaction and commitment of teachers as factors in staying positive to continuously contribute to the development of education in general and students in particular.

Keywords: Teachers, Teaching Profession, Attitude Towards Teaching, Teaching And Learning


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