The struggle of women’s civic organization in the Indigenous community: A case study of Bontoc Women’s Brigade

Alexander Jr. G. Killip, Jezreel C. Bengao, Robbie Joe T. Catahan, Pepcee A. Foken & Aljun W. Appay
Volume 4 Issue 1, March 2024

The study explored the obstacles faced by women’s civic organizations operating within indigenous communities. By focusing on the revitalization of the Bontoc Women’s Brigade (BWB), the study aims to ignite a wave of positive transformation, motivating other grassroots organizations and community members to participate actively in endeavors aimed at improving safety, fostering well-being, and advancing sustainable development. The study aims to highlight critical needs requiring attention for revitalizing these organizations, akin to their initial establishment. By addressing these challenges and providing strategic initiatives, the research endeavors to contribute to the sustainable revival of women’s civic organizations within indigenous communities. The study used a dual approach, utilizing focus group discussions and in-depth interviews, to gather data from participants with age ranging from 50 to 70 years old, who were members of the BWB in the Mountain Province, Philippines. This study used a descriptive qualitative research method, employing interview guides to facilitate data collection. The findings revealed that the organization faced challenges leading to its decline, notably the aging and passing away of members. Additionally, the younger generation exhibited limited interest due to the perceived lack of tangible benefits. Furthermore, gender-specific challenges and cultural norms significantly influence the activities of the BWB. These factors encompass traditional gender roles, stereotypes, issues related to women’s empowerment, and safety concerns. The interplay of these elements introduces complexity to the organization’s dynamics, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of these challenges in order to effectively navigate and address them.

Keywords: women’s civic organization, indigenous communities, organizations dynamics, demographic challenges, women leadership


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Cite this article:

Killip, A.G., Bengao, J.C., Catahan, R.J.T., Foken, P.A. & Appay, A.W. (2024). The struggle of women’s civic organization in the Indigenous community: A case study of Bontoc Women’s Brigade. International Review of Social Sciences Research, 4(1), 24-46.


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