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International Review of Social Sciences Research

ISSN 2782-9227 (Print) 2782-9235 (Online)

Theories and approaches of social psychology

Aida Mehrad, Madison Sternberg, Emujin Buyandalai, Angelina Pius, Elliana Stanich, Hibatullah Shaalan, Emma Olson, Mackenzie Triscik, Amanda Bultema, Clare Fritsch, Sofia Primo, Logan Leve, Alyssa Bullock, Ellie Taylor, Alexa Rico & Emily Langston
Volume 4 Issue 2, June 2024

Social psychology is a field that studies how social thinking, behavior, and influence shape daily lives. This paper examines various social psychology theories, including social cognition, individual identity, and social influences. The main goal is to gain insight into the human behavior and interactions by exploring social, psychological, and sociological theories. The study used a systematic review based on previous research over three months and analyzed 80 research papers, ultimately using 28 papers that mostly covered the aim of this study. The findings highlighted the importance of racial diversity in shaping contemporary race relations and emphasized the need for cohesive yet diverse communities. The analyses revealed that individuals’ tendencies to self-serve inflate their traits’ moral value, influencing others’ self-perceptions and judgments. Innovative approaches such as agent-based modeling offered new perspectives on social dynamics, while identity emerged as a fluid construct shaped by socio-historical contexts. The ecological perspective provided valuable insights into the adaptive relationship between individuals and their environments. This review illuminates the crucial role of social psychology in understanding the complex interplay of individual behaviors, societal influences, and evolving identities. Throughout the paper, the discussion concerns the connection between theories and research and the application of findings to real-life situations. Hence, social psychology provides valuable insights into individual behavior and the social environment.

Keywords: behavior, psychology, social psychology, theory


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Cite this article:

Mehrad, A., Sternberg, M., Buyandalai, E., Pius, A., Stanich, E., Shaalan, H., Olson, E., Triscik, M., Bultema, A., Fritsch, C., Primo, S., Leve, L., Bullock, A., Taylor, E., Rico, A. & Langston, E. (2024). Theories and approaches of social psychology. International Review of Social Sciences Research, 4(2), 99-118.


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