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Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Depression of Children with Single Parents

Portia R. Marasigan, PhD
Volume 1 Issue 2, December 2021


Cognitive vulnerabilities are beliefs or attitudes thought to make a person vulnerable to emotional disorders whereas depression is a negative affective state, ranging from unhappiness and discontent to an extreme feeling of sadness, pessimism, and despondency that interferes with daily life. A child belonging to a broken family has constant internal conflict. The exploration uncovered that separation of parents has unfortunate results on youngsters like discouragement, stress, depression, crabbiness, and absence of consideration. This study determined the cognitive vulnerabilities and depression of children with single parents through descriptive-correlational design. The data were gathered from 150 children with single parents through purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used to measure the level of cognitive vulnerabilities were attitude toward self, life orientation and hopelessness whereas Beck Depression Inventory was used to measure the level of depression. Based on the findings, children of single parents have high level of attitude toward self, high level of life orientation and moderate level of hopelessness. However, many of them have severe level of depression. It was further disclosed that age and occupation are significantly related to depression. Moreover, it revealed that attitude toward self and life orientation are not significantly related to depression while hopelessness is significantly related. The results proved that children of single parents suffer from emotional trauma. Thus, strong support system is necessary for them to adjust emotionally.

Keywords: cognitive vulnerabilities, depression, children with single parents

Collaborative Peer Reviewer

This article is collaboratively reviewed by Prof. Julio Ramillo A. Mercurio and Prof. Kyla Nicholle M. Royola


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