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Jayben Mationg
Chapter 3


The cardinal of time freezes when you don’t wield it, for there were some abysmal nights that felt like an eternity and made it tough to aspire to the dawn. But, it’s quite a paradox that time also freezes when I’m with you.

Regardless of what we’re into—a trip on the bus’s subway as I lean my head on your cottony shoulder, a walk in our school’s corridor, a queue in the street food stands as we buy your favorite fries, a panorama of every sunset, either in a deep or nonsense conversation that we always engaged ourselves into or simply dwelling in a sphere of silence where only the sound that strings are the threads of our hearts—time seems to freeze.

Albeit those moments having an end, they actually gave us a glimpse of what forever is. To live in those tales and seize every occurrence defined us as having a little infinity, which we could keep for the rest of our lives.

Though the endless march of time will eventually blur those moments that were once vivid and the sensation brought by elation that solaced our hearts will eventually become archaic, I want you to know that it’s fine. It’s okay, my love.

But I want you to know that I will never rub you out of my vocabulary. You are indeed a person who splashed colors in my gray world, someone who extended her hands for me to hold when the world was in its cruelest state, someone who dispersed my coldness, and someone with whom I would like to form a constellation only if the universe would allow.

Love, you will always be a part of me.

In the depths of my cerebral cortex, your name was engraved. You are the one who resurrected the romance from the realm of Hades and triggered my chivalrous aptitude within me, thus in you, I’m forever grateful.

Cite this chapter:

Mationg, J. (2024). Eternal. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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