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Jim Paul S. Ungsod
Chapter 1


A man is indeed a king of disguise

He conceals what should be told otherwise,

Atop his feeling is felicity

When a glimpse is with subjectivity,

Fears, self-doubts, and worries seemed a nightmare

To him, that’s seems a new moon whom no air,

Courage is a long plus thorny journey

When will it be so entirely handy?

In the rings of his head, he tranquilly spins

His vigor name and his vague face that glimpse,

Mi amore, forever, yours is this heart,

Yours is this for no one else will I trust.

Cite this chapter:

Ungsod, J.P.S. (2024). Glimpse. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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