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Manika’s Enchanted Horizon

Leonard Y. Idala
Chapter 1


Upon Manika’s perch, where peaks entwine the sky,

A saga unfolds where dreams and realms amplify.

Eagles pirouette in azure, a celestial high,

From Manika’s viewpoint, fantasies soar and magnify.

In morning’s cradle, a sun of gold ascends,

Mountains adorned, as the day elegantly extends.

Clouds weave tales on peaks, where the journey transcends,

Manika’s realm, where nature’s enchantment ascends.

Rolling hills narrate stories, hues in secrets untold,

A living canvas, a spectacle captivating to behold.

In the breeze, trees whisper tales of eras old,

At Manika’s embrace, the mysteries of nature unfold.

Rivers carve hushed whispers through the rugged land,

Reflecting sunlight, a liquid strand.

Nature’s opus, a symphony so grand,

From Manika’s viewpoint, where wonders eternally stand.

As the sun descends, casting hues ablaze with fire,

Manika’s silhouette is a majestic spire.

Dusk unveils a canvas, a celestial lyre,

Where the mountain meets the sky, desires to take flight.

Cite this chapter:

Idala, L.Y. (2024). Manika's enchanted horizon. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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