On Dreams and Aspirations
…one of the worst things that can happen to any man is to have a sense of sight but do not have any vision at all. There is no direction, only groping in the dark while the sun shines and whining when the chance is ripe and waiting. What a kind of wastefulness and futility this is!
…after all that has been said and done, these questions still hang and needed to be answered: Have I lived my life to the fullest? Was it the life I wanted all along? Did I become satisfied? is there anything more to expect? And because of these questions life takes on new and more exciting meaning even for somebody like me who is the middle of an earthly journey. It gives me reasons to wake up with great expectations of fresh anecdotes to tell and God’s graces to savor; to share of His amazing love. What a joy!
…carpe diem. Seize the day. Live the moment. Yes, live it… Grab every sparkling moment of excitement and delirium as such may not come again. Do not assume too much nor overthink of what is to be, it is enough that you are truly and fantastically happy though for a fleeting second…as such may never occur once more. Breathe the air of tantalizing breeze of summer blossoms that promise unadulterated jubilation. Savor the sweetness of every chance by which you are enthralled and bewitched or it may not be the same again… Seize the day!
On Sadness and Sorrows
…the songs we sing express our deepest longings and sighing of the soul too complex and manifold just to plainly utter. So they need music and melody to find its truest meaning and become in harmony with your heartbeat and mine.
…no matter how the world may blemish and twist the true reason of the season; still there must be that lucid stance of truth and enlightenment on this occasion of joy and cheer. It is through this that the blessing flows and pour without ceasing so that it becomes a fountain, a river and an ocean of peace, delight and faith.
…like wars can turn even saintly beings into beasts and extreme hardships can mold steel hearts out of even the softest of characters. How sad that people can be so unfeeling and blind to the echoes of the soul; so calloused to hear the sighs of the spirit and too consumed with proud pretense of strength when in truth is crying in secret on account of burdens too heavy to bear. But I choose to rise and claim my rightful battle cry- I am not just a survivor; I am a brave warrior. I refuse to succumb to any destiny of fate for I believe that the battles I fight are so ordained to make me even stronger and mightier!
…it is in the broken pieces that we find the solace of being mended and molded into a unique masterpiece created out of the ashes of grief. Though many of human pain is due to self-inflicted suffering on account of pride, bitterness and unforgiveness; still we find another person or circumstance to blame for our every misery which only makes us sink deeper in the mire of loneliness and emotional devastation. It is only in the act of humility, positivity and forgiveness that we complete ourselves and feel purposeful once more.
…when life becomes dreary and dull on account of life’ s many woes; then your comfort o GOD becomes the pretty rainbow in my dark horizon.
…there is wisdom in silence because it is in quietness that God speaks and reveals His unfailing love and faithfulness. Hail to silent whispers and mute sighs of the soul so eager to be filled with the beauty and splendor hidden from the naked eye and the barren senses of men.
…grieving is temporal as there is life eternal. It is upon these reflections that the chronicler finds solace and strength to be still and stalwart in the midst of irreparable losses in life. Even she is like a ship tossed in the raging sea, her anchor remains steadfast and firm aiming to find the lighthouse and tower that is her refuge.
…I refuse to let my joy to be stolen nor my calm to be disturbed as these are the only gifts that I can cling to when dear people are gone or have forgotten. Cheers to life! Hail to my la doce vita, saluti la vida bellisima!
On My Purpose as a Human
…motherhood? It’s joy and pain. Tears and laughter; fear and hope and all the emotions that a human being is capable of. Their pain is my pain; their tears my own; their fears become mine. But when they are happy, I am delighted too and when they succeed it is counted as my triumph too. Such is the affinity of a mother to her children; unwavering, unconditional and everlasting… such love, such sacrifice… always for them before my own.
…travelling is such a pleasure and a refresher. It titillates the mind to no end as to the things it offers and invigorates the bones as to the physical challenges it gives. To travel is to confirm what one has speculated or heard or read, it negates wrong impressions and misinformation about certain people and places. Most of all, it reveals the greatness of the Creator who in His splendor and majesty laid the foundations of the earth to showcase the amazing tapestry of HIS handiwork.
…home is truly where the heart is. But what is a home?! Is it a safe haven, a comfort zone, our own place of peace and quiet? Where there is love without conditions, understanding that goes beyond limits and forgiveness that exceeds expectations? Or is it a piece of paradise, maybe a xanadu or shangrila… It may be dream for many but for those whose God’s redemption has been revealed, it is so much more than these. As it is to be with people who truly care for our spiritual and physical wellbeing; whose ultimate goal is to bring us closer to our Creator and give Him the highest glory. This is where we find the true meaning of home, where every moment is living a life that reflects the goodness and faithfulness of God; where every gathering is a feast of HIS love no matter what the circumstances maybe.
…a happy heart does good like a medicine. It keeps one bubbly, sprightly and unbelievably healthy. It pastes a smile on the lips and puts sparkle in the eyes which everybody can’t help but notice. It also makes one to glow and radiates only goodness, serenity and bliss. Such is the effect of delighting oneself in the simple joys of life like being near the one genuine person whose heartbeat joins in the harmony of every breath you take. Such lovely feeling of calm and acute passion rolled into one!
…life is certainly lovely and sweet. Not that I have everything I want, but because in all these years, I have traversed the deepest of valleys and have climbed the height of mountains.
…I know how to wade in the bottom of the sea and to ride the peak of the tides, both with grace and serenity I never knew I have!
…how can I never be grateful to my CREATOR that at this point in my life, I have so many reasons to be glad and to celebrate though in the midst of turbulent times and ebbing peace.