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Whispers of the Heart

Jerwin Guerra
Chapter 1


Soothing whispers gently caress my face

As I sit upon the shore,

Embracing the warmth of the salty breeze,

Gazing at the golden scenery.

Serene rural life reassures my existence,

Yet the void inside always persists.

I yearn for a life that reassures my future.

The green sceneries ease my burden,

While the urban maze eases my heart.

Vibrant hues of nature feel like home,

Yet city life makes me feel most alive.

A busy and fast-paced life thrills me,

Tranquil life in the rural is unparalleled,

But city life promises me a better future.

Cite this chapter:

Guerra, J. (2024). Whispers of the heart. In: E.T. Biray & R.R. Sena (2024). Feed Your Mind: A Collection of Positive and Happy Thoughts. Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.

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