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The Research Probe

ISSN 2799-0303 (Online)

Adoption factors of digital currencies in Ilocos Norte

Kristel Faith S. Tarampi, Reechelle F. Ballesteros & Allen Jasper P. Maruquin
Volume 4 Issue 1 June 2024
Presented in 3rd International Research Competition, December 2, 2023


The study focuses on the factors that influence digital currency usage in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. The study’s participants were Ilocos Norte locals who were chosen through a quota sampling technique. The questions were distributed to respondents via Google Forms by the researchers. According to the study findings, early adulthood is more active in engaging in the use of digital currency, females were the majority dwarfing males, single individual is the most prevalent as they have more time to prioritize themselves than married people, and majority of them have a monthly income of less than 20,000. In terms of digital currency adoption factors, respondents find it easy to access and display digital currency; in terms of perceived usefulness, respondents can transact completely with no problem and no harm from using digital currencies, this enhances speed and allows for faster money or fund transfers. In terms of transaction processing, they find it simple to send and receive payments from anyone in the world. In terms of security and control, they discovered that using digital currency is secure and efficient for them, they discovered that using digital money can meet their needs and desires. Among the factors influencing the adoption of digital currencies in Ilocos Norte, perceived utility has the highest weighted mean overall, indicating that the majority of respondents thought cryptocurrency was particularly beneficial to them.

Keywords: digital currency, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, bitcoin



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Cite this article:

Tarampi, K.F.S., Ballesteros, R.F. & Maruquin, A.J.P. (2024). Adoption factors of digital currencies in Ilocos Norte. The Research Probe, 4(1), 28-33.


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