Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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We support knowledge society through open access books.

For Authors

a. Before Submission

The Institute publishes books written in English and Filipino in any fields or focus. The main thrusts of the institute include education, business and management, accounting and finance,  humanities and social sciences, science and technology, engineering and mathematics and information technology. Inter-disciplinary topics are also encouraged. The Institute accepts textbooks, electronic books, monographs, edited collection and children’s books.

Books. The author can submit either already completed manuscript or book proposal. The manuscript must include pertinent information of the author/s including name/s, affiliation/s, address and email address. The corresponding author, in case of multiple authors, must be properly indicated.

The online submission requires only  MS Word file. There should be two files uploaded.

1 Anonymous Manuscript file This file is used for the review process.
This full manuscript must not include the name and affiliation of the author/s. Any information related to the identity of the author/s must not be included within the full text.
2 Manuscript Title page This file should contain the book title, preface and profile of the author.

Although there is prescribed template, the author is given manuscript structural flexibility. However, the book should contain the following parts:

  • Title Page – this is the cover page of the book.
  • Author profile – should be in paragraph format with photograph.
  • Preface – should detail the purpose and salient contents of the book.
  • Table of contents - should contain chronological list of important themes per chapter.
  • Book chapters –it should contain the following:
    • Introduction
    • Thematic discussions
    • References
  • Glossary of terms (if applicable)
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography


Book ChapterThe author can submit already papers as part of an edited book collection. The author should format the paper depending on the prescribed requirement of the book. However, the book chapter of an edited collection is generally formatted as IMRAD (for research articles) or thematic style (for literature review and other articles). Hence, the format of the chapter depends on: 1) book requirement; 2) style of the author; and 3) requirement of the topic/article.

The online submission requires only  MS Word file. There should be two files uploaded.

1 Anonymous Book Chapter This file is used for the review process.
This book chapter must not include the name and affiliation of the author/s. Any information related to the identity of the author/s must not be included within the full text.
2 Book Chapter Title page This file should contain the title of the paper and profile of the author.


b. Manuscript Submission

The two files must be uploaded through the online submission portal. Your manuscript will be assigned Submission ID Number which you will use for all the communications related to the publication. Upon submission, you will receive submission confirmation acknowledgement approximately within 24 hours.

The publication process and timeline is shown below:

Process Description Timeline
Online submission The author submits the manuscript through the online submission portal.
Internal Review Monograph. The director for media and publication evaluates the submission as to its fitness to the thrust and standard of the Institute, formatting requirements and readiness for review and publication.

Book chapter. The assigned book editor evaluates the submission as to its fitness to the content of the book, formatting requirements and readiness for review and publication. The editor accepts or rejects the submission.

Monograph - 4 weeks

Book chapter - 2 weeks

External review Upon acceptance by the internal reviewers, editorial assistant calls for external reviewers.

Monograph. The reviewers are given one week for acceptance of the review assignment and five weeks for the review proper.

Book chapter. The reviewers are given one week for acceptance of the review assignment and three weeks for the review proper.

Monograph - 6 weeks

Book chapter - 4 weeks

Revision & Resubmission Upon receipt of at least two most appropriate reviews, the comments of the reviewers are sent to the author through email. The author revises the manuscript according to the suggestions given.The resubmission must highlight the changes done within the revised paper and/or provide a discussion forum in the online submission portal.

The revised paper must be uploaded in the same submission section as 'revision' file.

4 weeks with extension as per author request
Publication acceptance The director for publication and/or advirory board member evaluate the paper as to its readiness for publication. The  editorial assistant proofreads the manuscript as per the comments given by the reviewers. Monograph - 2 weeks

Book chapter - 1 week

Payment Upon acceptance for publication, the author pays the book processing charge.
Copyediting & Formatting The paper is sent to the copyeditor for final formatting. At this stage, the author may still need to address some reviewer comments not properly followed. The copyeditor ensures that the book is structurally fit for international readership. Monograph - 2 weeks

Book chapter - 1 week

Book Publication The final draft copy of the book is sent to the author for confirmation. If the author finds necessary corrections, it should be communicated to the editorial assistant through email. The book publishing agreement is signed upon confirmation of the final copy.

You can download the step-by-step process of manuscript submission and resubmission here.

c. Book Publishing Agreement

The Book Publishing Agreement contains essential elements of the book and its publication. The nature of the agreement varies depending on the type of publication as follows:

  • Open access book (PDF) - termed as open access book publishing agreement, it includes the book details, assignment of rights, statement of open access, and author warranties
  • Printed book - termed as printed book publishing agreement, it details the following  major parts:
    • Section 1. Grant of Publishing Rights
    • Section 2. Copyright
    • Section 3. Author Compensation
    • Section 4. The Manuscript
    • Section 5. Publication
    • Section 6. Accounting
    • Section 7. Warranties, Representations and Indemnities
    • Section 8. Other Rights and Restrictions
    • Section 9. Cessation of Publication
    • Section 10. General Provisions

d. Book Publishing Charge and Royalty

The institute collects Book Publishing Charge (BPC) from the authors. The following are the current charges:



Author’s Royalty

Open access books



Open access book chapter



Printed textbooks (with PDF copy)


50% of net revenue**
**including 10 printed copies for author upon publication. Books are available on Print-on-Demand scheme. 

On printed books. Inclusive of the $600 payment are the necessary distribution and marketing of the book. In addition, the authors receive lifetime royalty of 50% of the net revenue from the sale of printed books. The first printing includes 10 copies of the book. The following publications are under Print on Demand scheme.

On open access books. Inclusive of the $250 payment are the DOI, indexing in various databases, submission to Google Books and distribution to various academic websites and social networks. As the publication is open access and not for sale, the author does not receive royalty. In terms of book chapter, the $100 payment is for inclusion in the edited collection. The edited collection also has DOI and indexed in the same databases.

e. Author Rights and Warranties

Open-access publications. The IIARI upholds and supports open access publication that allows global sharing of scholarly information without restrictions. Through this platform, free access to shared information promotes knowledge and education. The open access electronic books allow anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform non-commercially, with proper attribution.

Copyright. The open access books are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Anyone can share and adapt the contents of the book for non-commercial purposes with proper attribution. Authors retain the copyright but grant the publisher the exclusive right to the publication and distribution of the work. Read full license details here:

Author Warranties

  1. the Work is not in the public domain;
  2. the Author is the sole proprietor of the work and has full power and authority, free of any rights of any nature whatsoever by any other person;
  3. the Work has not heretofore been published, in whole or in part, in any form;
  4. the Work does not, and if published will not, infringe upon any copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of any third party;
  5. the Work contains no matter whatsoever that is obscene, libelous, violative of any third party’s right of privacy or publicity, or otherwise in contravention of law or the right of any third party;
  6. all statements of fact in the Work are true and are based on diligent research;
  7. all advice and instruction in the Work is safe and sound, and is not negligent or defective in any manner;
  8. the Work, if biographical or “as told to” the Author, is authentic and accurate.

For Reviewers

a. Selection of Reviewers

Recruitment of advisory board and reviewers. The Institute recruits experts in the field to assist in the evaluation and acceptance of manuscripts. They are selected based on their qualification and specialization. The normal cycle for the selection of the new advisory board and reviewers is the first and last quarter of the year. Moreover, reviewers may express their intention to review manuscript upon registration in the submission portal (tick 'Yes, I would like to be contacted with requests to review submissions to this press'). All recognized advisory board and reviewers receive certificate of recognition.

Selection of reviewers for manuscript review. All advisory board and external reviewers must sign up to the online submission portal. This facilitates the submission, review and acceptance of all manuscripts. All the advisory board and the external reviewers are considered for the evaluation and the review of any manuscript based on their expertise. The reviewers consist of advisory board member and external reviewer. The editorial assistant randomly selects reviewers based on their specialization and interests.

Acceptance of the review. Selected reviewers can either accept or reject any invitation for review. The reviewers are given maximum of one week to accept the review task. The review itself is within a period of five weeks. Any reviewer can also ignore the invite if he/she is not confident to accept the task.

b. Review Process

All submitted manuscripts duly accepted are sent to the reviewers. The editorial staff reserve the right to choose the appropriate reviewer based on their knowledge of the topic. The reviewers normally are composed of advisory board member and external reviewer.

The journal adheres to the double blind peer-review process. Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other’s identity. Invitations are sent to potential reviewers. Thereafter, the manuscript is sent only to those who agreed to accept the review invite.

Any submission goes for two evaluation and review process: a) internal review and b) external review. The director for publication and/or two advisory board members evaluate the manuscript based on its fitness to institutional thrust or structural requirements while the external reviewers give detailed comments on the paper based on the evaluation criteria.

The journal uses the OMP-PKP platform and workflow for the submission and review of manuscript. For guidance and assistance on the use of the portal, you can download the workflow guidelines here.

c. Review Results

Any manuscript must be accepted by the internal reviewers to continue with the publication process. The results of the two stages of review are as follow:

Preliminary evaluation by the director and editors (internal review). The decision is any of the following: acceptrevision or reject.

  • Accept. If the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to the external reviewers for detailed evaluation.
  • Revision. If the manuscript requires revision, the comments and suggestions are communicated to the author. The author revises the manuscript and submits the revised version before sending to the external reviewers.
  • Reject. If the manuscript is rejected, the author receives the detailed reason/s for rejection.

External review. The decision of the external reviewers may be any of the following:

  • Accept. The manuscript is accepted without revisions. The author is advised to pay the fees prior and sign the book publishing agreement.
  • Revision. The manuscript is accepted either with minor or major revision. The paper is sent back to the author for the corrections. The author is given ample time to comply depending on the severity of the corrections. If the time given is insufficient, the author is advised to formally request extension through email. The author then submits the corrected manuscript for final evaluation by the editors. If the manuscript is accepted, the author is advised to pay the fees and sign the book publishing agreement.

The entire review process takes minimum one month to maximum five months. However, it is highly dependent on various uncontrollable circumstances. The journal ensures adherence to the proper timeline which completes the submission to final publication acceptance within the maximum six months.

d. Benefits of becoming a reviewer

Advisory board and reviewer roles are on a voluntary basis. As such, no monetary compensation is given for the services. However, there are non-financial and other financial incentives including:

a. Discounts. Advisory board members and reviewers are granted fixed 20% discount on all fees related to journal and book publication, training and courses and other fees.

b. Certificate. All recognized advisory board and reviewers receive a certificate of recognition.

c. Outstanding Reviewer of the Year. All reviewers are eligible for the annual Outstanding Reviewer of the Year award. Details of the award can be found here.

For Publishing Sponsors

The institute opens the printing of the books to sponsors to cover the $600 Book Publishing Charge in exchange for the 50% lifetime royalty fee in case the author has limited capacity to bear the expenses. This is to allow the sustenance of the operating costs while supporting authors in the publication of their works.

The following is the royalty sharing scheme in the case of publishing sponsorship:




50% of net revenue

20% of net revenue

30% of net revenue

Upon the review of the Book Publishing Agreement, the author declares the incapacity to bear the printing costs. The institute opens the call for sponsor/s prior to the signing of the the agreement. The sponsor only covers the BPC while the institute still covers the administrative and marketing functions.

Interested sponsors may send their intention to

For Librarians

The institute offers library membership scheme that allows:

(1) inclusion of the open-access journal articles and books in the library digital repository in XML format.

(2) purchase of printed books and journals at 20% discount.

(3) receipt of complimentary copies of books and journals.


The library membership is still FREE. Apply for membership here.

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