AIMS-QUIZZER: A Multi-Platform Gamified Knowledge Tester for Asian Institute of Maritime Studies Hospitality Management

Jun Jihad C. Barroga & Mark Anthony M. Hipe
Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2023
Presented in 3rd International Research Competitions 2023, December 2, 2023


The goal of this study is to determine the extent of the utilization of the AIMS-QUIZZER in helping the Hospitality Management students based on McCall’s Quality Model in terms of the following success indicators: correctness, reliability, and usability. The respondents are the 33 hospitality management students of AIMS from first year to third year. Percentage was used to quantify the demographic profile of the respondents and mean was used to determine the average response as per the success indicators of the system. A Likert scale type of survey questionnaire was used to get the data from the respondents. The system was deemed successful by the proponents based from the survey where majority of the students strongly agreed in terms of the three success indicators. In terms of correctness or the extent to which the AIMS-QUIZZER meets its requirement specifications the students deemed that it was very good. As for the reliability or the extent to which the software performs its intended functions without failure, it has an equivalent of very good. Lastly, in terms of usability, the HM students gave a rating of very good for the effort required to learn, operate, and understand the functions of the web application. The AIMS-QUIZZER, a web application for Hospitality Management students, was found to be easy to use based on McCall’s Quality Model. It was considered correct, reliable, usable, portable, and efficient by the majority of respondents. The system was able to achieve the expectations of the students, helped with bar and operations management lessons, and provided a user-friendly experience across different devices.

Keywords: AIMS QUIZZER, platform, game, hospitality



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Cite this article:

Barroga, J.C. & Hipe, M.M. (2023). AIMS-QUIZZER: A multi-platform gamified knowledge tester for Asian Institute of Maritime Studies Hospitality Management. The Research Probe, 3(2), 133-139.


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