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Assessing The Quality of Online Learning and Pre-Service Teachers’ Engagement in One State University

Bernadette B. Gutierrez, Ara Bella I. Silang & Delon A. Ching
Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022
Presented in 2nd International Research Competition 2022, November 15, 2022


The Covid-19 pandemic affected about 98 percent of the student population, causing school closures and implementation of online learning is the greatest answer during this crisis. Quality of online learning must be addressed to assure that students are highly engaged in learning. This study assessed the quality of online learning and pre-service teachers’ engagement in one state university. The study used a descriptive-correlational research design and purposive sampling techniques resulted in the study’s objectives being met for the school year 2021-2022. Forty (40) BEED 4th year students participated and answered an adapted-modified questionnaire. The result shows that the quality of online learning on course content, design structure, collaboration, industry acceptance and value addition have a positive significant relationship to learning task, supportive information, just-in-time information and part-task practice that aligned to student’s learning engagement. Based on the findings, it is revealed that online learning has high quality. This also implies that high quality online learning results in high student engagement. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers advised future researchers to consider whether the quality of online learning is applicable to other universities or whether the learning engagement presented here can be modified.

Keywords: Online learning quality, Engagement, Pre-Service, student engagement

*This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022, Category 2 Undergraduate


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Cite this article:

Gutierrez, B.B., Silang, A.I. & Ching, Delon A. (2022). Assessing The Quality of Online Learning and Pre-Service Teachers’ Engagement in One State University. The Research Probe, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 77 - 87.


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