This inquiry sought to determine the effectiveness of using Team Reading Approach for developing reading comprehension skills of Grade 5 learners. The subjects of the study were split into six (6) groups with two performing learners leading each group. In the course of data analysis, the results obtained from these team leaders were excluded and therefore only twenty-four (24) set of scores were analyzed. Using quantitative approach employing the pretest vs. post-test method to thirty-six (36) learners purposively selected for this study it was found that before the introduction to the team reading approach, learners demonstrated low mastery of reading comprehension skills. It was also later found after they were introduced to the approach that they demonstrated average mastery of the reading comprehension skills. The paired samples test confirmed that there was a significant difference in the reading comprehension of learners in identifying the main idea, identifying supporting details, clarifying meaning of content-based words, determining text types according to purpose and determining text types according to structure before and after they were introduced to the team reading approach. The findings of the study prompted the development of an action plan that targets the foundational reading comprehension skills identified in this study.
level of reading comprehension, team reading, intervention program, reading performance
Joan S. Sastre. Corresponding author. Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management, Teacher I, Northwestern Visayan Colleges. Email:
Marianne L. Quimpo. Doctor of Philosophy, Dean, College of Education, Northwestern Visayan Colleges.
“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was not supported by any funding.
This paper is presented in 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR)
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Cite this article:
Sastre, J.S. & Quimpo, M.L. (2024). Team reading: It’s effect in reading comprehension. Industry and Academic Research Review, 5(1), 50-61.
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