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IJEMDS Cover Page
International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Dr. Abegail C. Reyes

Editorial Board

Current institution:
Department of Education Olongapo City, Philippines

Teacher III

Dr. Abigail

Dr. Abegail C. Reyes graduated from Columban College, Inc., in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with a major in English. In 2011, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers and began working as a high school teacher at Columban College, Inc. Basic Education Asinan Campus for six years before transferring to Gordon Heights National High School in 2016.

She is currently employed as a Junior High School Teacher III at Gordon Heights National High School. She earned a Master of Arts in Language Teaching in 2019 and a Doctor of Education with a major in Educational Management at Columban College, Inc., in 2020. She is an experienced and highly competent professional English as a second language teacher with a focus on student-centered learning and engagement. experienced facilitator and teacher with 11 years of service in the private and public post-secondary school setting. dedicated to teaching students the principles of secondary-level writing, grammar analysis, and close reading. excellent knowledge of delivering innovative instruction with technology and empowering students to use reliable resources. excellent understanding of curriculum development and assessment methods based on research practices.

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