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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

ISSN 2799-1601 (Print) 2799-161X (Online)

Spatial Analysis on the Spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Agusrawati, Fithria, Gusti Ngurah Adhi Wibawa, Ruslan, Hamirul Hadini, Baharuddin, Irma Yahya, & Bahriddin Abapihi
Volume 3 Issue 4, December 2023


We studied the spatial patterns of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) transmission in Baubau, a city in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. DHF is a serious disease caused by the dengue virus and spread by Aedes mosquitoes. We used Moran’s Index, a spatial analysis tool, to create a DHF spread map for Baubau’s sub-districts. We found different patterns of DHF risk, such as: cold spots, Betoambari and Batupoaro had lower DHF cases, but they were vulnerable to infection from nearby areas; hot spot, Murhum had higher DHF cases and could transmit the disease to neighboring areas; and low risk, Bungi had the lowest DHF risk and was resilient to infection. Our findings suggest that preventive measures should be tailored to the specific risk level of each sub-district. Our study also provides useful guidance for controlling DHF transmission in Baubau and beyond. Our research is a beacon of hope for a safer and healthier future.

Keywords: dengue hemorrhagic fever, thematic map, Moran’s I, spatial analysis, Aedes mosquitos


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Agusrawati, Fithria, Gusti Ngurah Adhi Wibawa, Ruslan, Hamirul Hadini, Baharuddin, Irma Yahya, & Bahriddin Abapihi (2023). Spatial Analysis on the Spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 3 (4), 51-72.


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