This study examines the impact of traditional and sports-based teaching methods on team cohesion, cognition, and stress reduction among college students, guided by a positivist research philosophy. Adopting a comparative correlational design, data were collected from 60 students aged 18–20 at the private higher education in the Philippines through quantitative surveys. Grounded on Social Interdependence Theory and Cognitive Load Theory, the findings reveal that sports-based teaching methods significantly enhance team cohesion, foster cognitive engagement, and reduce stress compared to traditional lecture-based approaches. Statistical analyses, including paired t-tests, Pearson’s correlation, and chi-square tests, confirm that the interactive and cooperative elements of sports-based methods promote collaboration, trust, and active participation. In contrast, traditional methods, which emphasize passive learning and individual focus, are associated with lower team cohesion and cognition and higher stress levels. These results highlight the value of integrating sports-based teaching methods into educational curricula to support students' holistic development. The study recommends professional development for educators to implement these strategies effectively and further research to explore long-term benefits and adaptations for diverse learning environments.
team cohesion, sports-based teaching, cognitive engagement, stress reduction, educational curricula
Zhong Hongke. Student, University of Baguio
Thea Suaco. Corresponding author. Faculty, University of Baguio. Email:
“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was not supported by any funding.
This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines set by the University of Baguio. The conduct of this study has been approved and given relative clearance(s) by the Ethics Review Committee of the University of Baguio Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (UB RIECO).
AI tools were not used in writing this paper.
This study would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance and support of the University of Baguio Graduate School department.
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Cite this article:
Hongke, Z. & Suaco, T. (2024). Analyzing the impact of traditional and sports-based teaching methods on team cohesion and team cognition among college students. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 6(1), 55-77.
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