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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Effectiveness of Learner’s Intervention Booklet in Improving the Skills in Handicraft

Merryl Joyce S. Chozas & Zenaida M. Cuenca
Volume 3 Issue 3, September 2022


The main purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of the learner’s intervention booklet (LIB) in improving the skills in handicrafts of grade 7 students through descriptive-experimental research design. The data were gathered from thirty (30) struggling students as purposively chosen respondents using survey questionnaire and LIB. The results showed that the LIB was effective because there was an increase in the scores of the students in their practice tasks and assessments. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between the first assessment and second assessment scores after the use of the two intervention booklets. This clearly indicates that the utilization of the LIB resulted to a significant improvement in the skills of Grade 7 struggling students. Thus, this study concludes the use of the LIB be sustained. Therefore, TLE teachers advocate for the development of learners’ intervention materials not only in handicraft but also in other areas of TLE. The intervention materials can be given on the planned date, and the intervention can be offered immediately after each class. The teacher has to recognize the struggling students so that the remediation is given in a timely and effective manner.

Keywords: learner’s intervention booklet, handicraft, technology and livelihood education, TLE


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Cite this article:

Chozas, M.S. & Cuenca, Z.M. (2022). Effectiveness of Learner’s Intervention Booklet in Improving the Skills in Handicraft. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 3, pp. 227 - 243. DOI:


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