This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the task-based learning module in Mathematics in improving the computational skills of Grade V Students. The study used descriptive-experimental research design focused on students’ perception of the lesson structure, evaluation of the module, and its effectiveness in improving the computational skills of the students. Generally, the students perceived the structure of the module in terms of pre-task, task, and review as very well structured. Likewise, the findings showed the evaluation in terms of adaptability, clarity, validity, usability, and aesthetic value to a very great extent. The results also showed a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in computational skills in terms of problem solving, decision making, sequencing, algorithm formation, and quantitative measurement. However, no significant relationship was found between the perceived structure of the lesson and the mean scores of the students in computational skills. Moreover, the perceived evaluation of the module has no significant relations with the computational skills. The study recommends the use of task-based learning module in Mathematics following the structure of pre-task, task, and review to improve the computational skills of the students.
task-based learning module, pre-task, task, review, computational skills
Jeaneth B. Anives. Corresponding author. Elementary Grade Teacher II, Rosendo Algenio Elementary School
Delon A. Ching. Research Advisor. Instructor I, Laguna State Polytechnic University- San Pablo City Campus
This paper is a finalist in the IIARI Research Competition (IRC) – 2021 Category 3 – Graduate
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Cite this article:
Anives, J.B. & Ching, D.A. (2022). Application of task-based learning module in mathematics V. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 3(1), 97-113.
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