This study developed and used a Reflective Learning Resource Material in Grade 9 Mathematics in effort to improve the performance learning outcome. It aimed to determine the effect of the developed learning resource material to the learning outcome in terms of analysis, representation and problem-solving skills. The study used descriptive research design utilizing the pretest/ posttest assessments and survey questionnaire as the main instruments, with 35 Grade 9 students during the school year 2020-2021 as participants of the study. The results revealed that reflective learning resource material is highly effective in the achievement of the Mathematics learning outcome. Further data resulted to a significant difference and an increased Mathematics learning outcome assessment on analysis, representation, and problem-solving skills implying that the use of reflective learning resource material helped the students improve their Mathematics skills. From lower proficiency levels, learners were able to reach advanced and proficient levels, indicating mastery of the competencies. This demonstrates the use of RLRM has a good significant relationship with mathematical skills development. The results suggest that incorporating reflective learning resource material into students' learning activities can improve Mathematics learning outcome.
reflective learning resource material, mathematics learning outcome, analysis, representation, problem-solving skills
Herbert I. Aquino. Corresponding author. Secondary School Teacher II, Callejon National High School
Delon A. Ching. Research Advisor, Instructor I, Laguna State Polytechnic University- San Pablo City Campus
This paper is a finalist in the IIARI Research Competition (IRC) – 2021 Category 3 – Graduate
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Cite this article:
Aquino, H.I. & Ching, D.A. (2022). Effects of reflective learning resource material on achievement of mathematics learning outcome. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 3(1), 114-130.
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