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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

h-index: 11

ICV: 78.5

Examining the experiences of school governing body in handling school funds

Bhekithemba Phumlani Ngema, Simanga Phillip Lukhele & Rudzani Israel Lumadi
Volume 5 Issue 4, December 2024

This study aimed at examining the experiences of finance committee, the sub-committee of the School Governing Body (SGB) in managing finances in selected schools in the uMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Thus, the study’s primary aim was achieved through the identification of hindrances that prevented the finance committee from effectively managing school funds. Moreover, the exploration of strategies to overcome challenges the finance committees faced were also part of the study’s objectives. The study sampled four secondary schools in the uMkhanyakude District as research sites. That is, four principals, four treasurers, and four finance officers were purposefully selected to participate in the study. Data were collected through qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews and document analysis and were analysed and interpreted using themes and sub-themes. The study revealed that some finance committee members, especially principals and finance officers, were aware of their roles and responsibilities in the committee; the parents lacked basic literacy skills in managing school funds; the state deposits school finances into the schools’ coffers accounts late, and the state deposits insufficient funds into the schools’ accounts. Therefore, the findings implied that the Department of Education should conduct ongoing training sessions for the finance committee members, especially the parents. Subsequently, professionals with an Accounting degree should perhaps facilitate the training. Moreover, the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education should deposit adequate funds timeously and in accordance with the inflation rate of the country to avoid recurring debts.

finance policy, budgeting, finance committee, South African Schools Act

¹Bhekithemba Phumlani Ngema. Corresponding author. Department of Educational Leadership and Management, University of South Africa, South Africa. Email:

²Simanga Phillip Lukhele. Department of Educational Leadership and Management, University of South Africa, South Africa. Email:

³Rudzani Israel Lumadi. Department of Educational Leadership and Management, University of South Africa, South Africa. Email:

“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was not supported by any funding.

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Cite this article:

Ngema, B.P., Lukhele, S.P & Lumadi, R.I. (2024). Examining the experiences of school governing body in handling school funds. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 5(4), 61-94.


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