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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Impact of Synchronous Class Attendance on the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students

Percia V. Secreto & Eudora C. Tabo
Volume 4 Issue 1, March 2023


Due to the pandemic, open and flexible learning has become the norm for schools and universities, where students get lessons through online classes or study modules. Acknowledging the difficulties of remote learning, many institutions allowed more flexibility by providing learners with increased choice and accessibility to suit their learning conditions. One is making online class attendance less mandatory compared to the pre-pandemic when attendance was strictly implemented in most schools. To a certain extent, this allowed students to study at their own time and pace and even assume work and home responsibilities. Hence, this study aims to determine the impact of attendance on students’ academic performance in online synchronous classes in one of the state universities in the Philippines. Using descriptive quantitative analysis, the 210 students’ attendance in online classes were recorded, while their final grades served as an indicator of academic performance. The results showed that synchronous online attendance positively impacts students’ academic performance. In general, students who regularly participate in online classes get a higher final grade. Furthermore, results showed a moderately positive relationship between these two factors using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Meanwhile, instructional support such as recorded lectures and supplementary materials prevented asynchronous students or those who could not participate in synchronous online classes from failing the course. This study recommends implementing more active learning strategies and in-class group work to avoid non-essential absenteeism and promote and encourage lecture attendance.

Keywords: Online Learning, Synchronous Learning, Class Attendance, Academic Performance, Recorded Lectures


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Cite this article:

Secreto, P.V. & Tabo, E.C. (2023). Impact of Synchronous Class Attendance on the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 4 (1), 109-128.


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