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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

h-index: 11

ICV: 78.5

Role of parent-teacher partnership in learners’ academic performance

Raquel Luna & Jasper Del Valle
Volume 4 Issue 2, June 2023

This study was purposely conducted to develop a parent-teacher partnership program to improve learners’ academic performance in English 4 by determining learners’ academic performance, perception of the parent-child relationship, and on parental involvement in six categories as to parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaborating with the community. Descriptive research design was utilized through survey method wherein 24 Grade IV learners under modular distance learning modality were purposively selected as respondents. Learners’ perception on parent-child relationship showed positive relationship, while learners’ perception on parental involvement in six categories indicated high involvement. Results showed a significant relationship between the parent-child relationship and parental involvement. However, there is no significant relationship between academic performance in English on their perception of the parent-child relationship and parental involvement. The study suggested that Parent-Teacher Association officers along with teachers may conduct a classroom-based program to assist learners at risk in English. Teachers may also review the parent-teacher partnership program so that it will be aligned with the learning needs of their students.

academic performance, parental involvement, parent-child relationship, parent-teacher partnership program

Raquel Luna. Corresponding author. Graduate of Master of Arts in English. Currently a teacher at Kinabuhayan Elementary School in Dolores, Quezon in the Philippines. Corresponding email:

Jasper Del Valle. PhD. Research Advisor. San Pablo Colleges.

This paper is presented in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research.

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Cite this article:

Luna, R. & Del Valle, J. (2023). Role of parent-teacher partnership in learners’ academic performance. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 4 (2), 41-63.


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