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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

h-index: 11

ICV: 78.5

Strategies for online teaching: A best practice approach using three-domain theories

Vincent Billoso, Mark Andre Cortes, Nino Miguel Fabila, Jhermin Francis Perez & Nicole Sarmiento
Volume 4 Issue 1, March 2023

As Covid-19 pandemic led to abrupt transformation from face-to-face classes to online learning, questions arise as to which among the lists of teaching strategies can be considered as the best practice for online learning. Hence, this study assessed the best practice approach for online teaching from the three-domain strategy theories: behaviorism; cognitivism; and social constructivism from the lived experience of professors in the Asian Institute of Maritime Studies in the Philippines. The relationship between the teaching strategies and the demographic profiles (age, years of teaching experience, and highest educational attainment) was included to identify factors that could affect the teaching strategies. Using descriptive-correlation design, the study endeavored to describe the teaching strategies of the thirty non-laboratory maritime professors who were selected using complete enumeration sampling. The online platform researcher-made questionnaire was made through Google forms to gather data and distributed to the professors after ensuring the permit, via Microsoft Teams Software, Facebook messenger, or Google mails. To treat the data, percentage, weighted mean, and chi-square were used. Results indicated that the respondents highly utilized the direct instruction strategy under the behaviorism theory followed by flipped instruction strategy under the social constructivism theory and chunking instruction strategy under the cognitivism theory. The chi-square result indicated no significant difference between the teaching strategies and demographic profiles of the professors.

online teaching, teaching strategies, three-domain theories, AIMS Maritime Professors

Vincent Billoso. Corresponding author. BS in Maritime Transportation, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay, Philippines. Corresponding email:

Mark Andre Cortes. BS in Maritime Transportation, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay, Philippines.

Nino Miguel Fabila. BS in Maritime Transportation, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay, Philippines.

Jhermin Francis Perez. BS in Maritime Transportation, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay, Philippines.

Nicole Sarmiento. BS in Maritime Transportation, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay, Philippines.

This paper is a finalist in the International Research Competitions 2022

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Cite this article:

Billoso, V., Cortes, M., Fabila, N., Perez, J. & Sarmiento, N. (2023). Strategies for online teaching: A best practice approach using three-domain theories. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 4 (1), 129-145.


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