The current study is a pilot survey of future research that seeks to record the views of Primary Education (PE) teachers with respect to the promotion of bioethics literacy in PE through the incorporation of bioethics in the syllabus of primary schools. In this study, which took place in Athens from March 10, 2020, until May 10, 2020, all the appropriate research tool refinements have been considered before its finalization. The snowball sampling method has been used for primary school teachers of various disciplines. Furthermore, the requirements of the mixed research (qualitative and quantitative – triangulation) are met. Research data have been collected through an open-ended type questionnaire comprising 10 questions pertaining to the incorporation of bioethics in the PE syllabus and the data process has been performed with the use of the Content Analysis Method. The majority of the participants showed a positive attitude towards the introduction of bioethics courses in PE and expressed their thoughts and concerns about the implementation of this endeavor. The most important finding is the perception on the importance of bioethics literacy in PE.
bioethics, literacy, primary education, good practice
Balatsou Maria. Corresponding author. Ph.D. candidate, Department of Humanities Social Sciences and Law, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens
Theologou Kostas. Assistant Professor - History and Philosophy of Culture, Department of Humanities Social Sciences and Law, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens
This paper is presented in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research.
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Cite this article:
Balatsou Maria & Theologou Kostas (2022). Teachers’ views on the incorporation of bioethics courses in primary school syllabus. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 3(3), 142-159.
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