The study explored the technologies that can be used to support Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in Natural Science (NS) in Ekurhuleni schools, Gauteng. An interpretivist research philosophy, qualitative research approach and a case study design were employed. Data were collected from participants through interviews and focus group discussions. Findings revealed that the use of IBL methods motivates learners and enables them to understand scientific concepts. However, it is constrained by untrained teachers and lack of resources and time in schools. It was further revealed that some schools have invested in educational technologies that support IBL while some schools have inadequate or lack the required technologies. It is recommended that the Department of Basic Education and schools should train teachers and mobilise material and technological resources that are needed for the implementation of IBL in the science class. In addition, schools should embark on fundraising and income generating projects to raise money for the needed materials and educational technologies. Schools that do not have educational technologies should collaborate with libraries, education institutions and other institutions with available technologies that can be accessed by the learners.
educational technologies, inquiry-based, natural science, Ekurhuleni schools
Benkosi Madlela. Corresponding author. Faculty of Education, Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Johannesburg (UJ). Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa. Email:
Ramnarain Umesh. Faculty of Education, Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Johannesburg (UJ). Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa. Email:
“All authors equally contributed to the conception, design, preparation, data gathering and analysis, and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was not supported by any funding.
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Cite this article:
Madlela, B. & Umesh, R. (2024). Utilising educational technologies to support inquiry-based learning in natural science. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 5(3), 172-197.
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