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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

The Integration of Transversal Competency in Key Stage 4 English Subjects

Chrizza Kaye R. Sotomayor
Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2021


This research constitutes a relatively new area of competencies that has emerged from the current trend of Philippine Education. It aimed to analyze transversal competencies embedded in Key Stage 4 English subjects and examined whether these competencies were clearly expressed, stated, and articulated in actual practices. The study used mixed-method research design using the data triangulation method. The corpus of the study was composed of curriculum guides in Key Stage 4 selected English subjects, lesson plans, and transcription from classroom observations. The results revealed the integration of transversal competencies in the Key Stage 4 selected English subjects. However, these transversal competencies were hardly found. Yet, teachers provide opportunity but were not fully realized in the actual instruction. Pertinent recommendations were given to the system respondents, teachers, principals, and education stakeholders to uphold in-depth investigation and exploration of this matter.

Keywords: English, integration, Key Stage 4, transversal competencies


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Cite this article:

Sotomayor, C.K.R. (2021). The Integration of Transversal Competency in Key Stage 4 English Subjects. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 55 - 74. DOI:


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