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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Investigating the Interplay of RAAT Leadership Qualities in Shaping School Leadership Competence in the Bani Landscape

Lynard Bobby L. Asirit
Volume 4 Issue 4, December 2023


This study delves into leadership strategies tailored to navigate the intricate challenges defined by Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible (BANI) nature, amidst dynamic disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate fluctuations, economic inflation, and geopolitical conflicts. Employing a General Linear Model (GLM) analysis, this research reveals key findings; the total effects analysis demonstrates that the model’s predictors account for approximately 15.4% of the variance in school leadership competence (SLC), with notable correlations between “prior leadership experiences” and “school leadership competence,” as well as “RAAT leadership qualities” and “school leadership competence.”; the mediator model 1 (m1) unveils distinctive leadership competencies in individuals with “prior leadership experiences,” influenced by age, gender, and educational attainment; mediator model 2 (m2) shows no significant relationship with organizational climate; mediator model 3 (m3) highlights the positive impact of “RAAT leadership qualities” on leadership style, influenced by educational background; the full model reveals positive relationships between leadership behavior, organizational climate, and leadership style, all associated with school leadership competence. Fifteen indirect effects are examined, emphasizing the significance of RAAT leadership qualities and perceived leadership success in shaping leadership style. These findings hold practical implications for leadership development in the ever-evolving BANI world, extending to educational institutions and leadership programs, urging the nurturing of leadership qualities, support for prior leadership experiences, and the promotion of conducive organizational climates.

Keywords: BANI landscape, educational leadership, GLM analysis, RAAT leadership qualities, school leadership competence


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Cite this article:

Asirit, L.L. (2023). Investigating the interplay of RAAT leadership qualities in shaping school leadership competence in the Bani landscape. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, 4 (4), 186-215.


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