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Read Journal Articles

Infographic material as supplementary learning tool in advancing scientific knowledge of modular distance learners

Community of inquiry framework in basic science process during synchronous learning modality

Problem-based learning materials in upskilling mathematics critical thinking skills

Using reader response strategy and affective learning domain in teaching literature to enhance critical thinking

Effects of Waltermart Supermarket on small retail business

Reverse repurchase rate on selected monetary policy indicators: A vector autoregression

Dynamics of job satisfaction and its intervening effect: An empirical study of diversified company

Establishing, piloting, and evaluating community-managed tour trek in Sagnay, Camarines Sur

Citizens’ assessment of the environmental management programs delivered by the local government unit of Lezo, Aklan

Scenario-based microlearning strategy for improved basic science process skills in self-directed learning

Enhancing collaboration and creative thinking skills through technology preparedness in a mixed learning environment

Learning readiness and level of science learning outcomes in modular distance modality

Profile, patterns of intake and perceived side effects of over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Resource management practices towards sustainable support system during pandemic

Learning quality of senior high school distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dual coding cognition in devising infographics for an enhanced students’ scientific knowledge

The alpha female: Speech and thought presentation of the contemporary Filipino woman in Magnificence

Effectiveness of learner’s intervention booklet in improving the skills in handicraft

Online distance learning barriers and their implication in the delivery of instruction in the new normal

Preparedness and promotion of technology leadership toward self-efficacy and instructional performance

Emotional abuse and psychological well-being of college students

Educational resource management as predictor to quality of work-life

Competencies of classroom teacher-counselor towards students’ self-esteem development

Gender disaggregated data of graduate students in Masbate, Philippines: An exploration to their gender roles

Governance and employee retention: An industry risk and outlook during pandemic

Organizational dynamics and stewardship in promoting innovative work behavior and commitment at work

Teachers’ views on the incorporation of bioethics courses in primary school syllabus

The impact of school heads’ technology leadership on teachers’ technological proficiency and academic optimism

Civil engineering program compliance of SUCs in Western Visayas to Philippine Technological Council – Washington Accord standards

Selected factors affecting the subsectors of the Philippine agriculture: A panel regression analysis

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