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Read Journal Articles

Examining the factors affecting reading readiness of kindergarten students

Association between emotional intelligence and turnover intention: Its effects on job performance in the banking sector

Contrastive form-focused instruction in improving vocabulary

The influence of financial slack on firm innovativeness: The moderating role of board size

The unknown world of male masseurs

School head’s managerial roles as correlates of organizational performance

Site selection for sustainable wind-solar hybrid energy harvesting plant

Human development gaps: Evidence from Eastern Indonesia

Analysis of the inventory management system towards enhanced university service delivery

Teaching efficacy structures and influencing factors in promoting success and retention among pre-service teachers

The role of higher education curriculum in the employability of health sciences graduates

Person-environment fit: Empowering leadership practices on teachers’ work engagement and motivation

Adolescent reproductive health, sex and sexuality education program in a science-based approach for junior high school learners

Senior managers in the UK: The development of educational leaders in further education institutions

Case and project-based learning lessons in enhancing science process skills

Development and evaluation of design thinking-based learning packets for enhancing innovation skills

Students’ perspective towards educational service quality in Ethiopian public university: A triangulation approach

Assessing students’ mastery and misconceptions in the fundamental operations on integers

Participative budgeting, procedural fairness, distributive fairness and budgetary slack: Evidence from hospitality sector in Indonesia

Satisfaction with and challenges of bank remittance in student payments in the Philippines

Analysis of income smoothing practices in PROPER companies

Flipped classroom approach and motivation in the acquisition of practical skills

Spatial error model to analyze morbidity rate in Indonesia

Physicochemical analysis of Lake Chitu: The origin of Arthrospira Plantesis

Effects of peer-tutoring on the level of reading comprehension of young Learners

Social media usage and the academic performance of Filipino junior high school students

My Brother’s Keeper Program towards Philippine National Police internal cleansing

E-Learning games enjoyment to pupils’ learning behaviors in mathematics classroom

The effects of social networking sites needs and academic stressors on academic motivation of college students

Contextualized question-embedded video-based teaching and learning tool: A pathway in improving students’ interest and mathematical critical thinking skills

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